
Our motto: “Being Well Now”
Wherever possible, we select goods and services that align with our mission and vision.
Wellemart’s mission is to help bring about a shift in consciousness, a new way of being*, grounded in holistic health and well-being of individuals, societies and the planet. Thus, Wellemart’s mission is to bring the resources needed for this holistic healing and transformation process into the awareness and hands of our customers, through our e-shop and e-magazine Whole Life Times.**
We share the vision of Dr Miller - “a world of peace, health, and happiness – where everyone understands and uses the power of body, mind, and spirit to heal, create loving, joyful relationships with friends, family, community, and environment.”
We share the vision of Permaculture - of sustainable, well-designed human settlements imbued with three ethics: earth care, people care and fair shares.
* Wellemart shares a common root with NAM Distribution - see blog.
** Whole Life Times was established in 1981 as a free quarterly magazine. The last printed issue was in 1989. It is now an online e-Magazine - subscribe for free.